vets in tech insights hub

Vets in Tech

Military veterans make great tech employees because of the many transferrable skills they can bring to the industry.

vets in tech

We want to talk about it

We are actively headhunting military veterans, to partnering with clients who are “vet-friendly”, offering resume-writing advice workshops for military veterans and spreading awareness by interviewing military veterans who work in the technology industry.

Army Veteran, Steve Blake, shares insights on transitioning to Civvy Street with Parallel Consulting

Oliver Davies, an ex-military serviceman and Managing Consultant at Parallel, interviews Steve Blake, a military veteran and Commercial Contracts Manager at Giganet, about his transition from the army to civilian life in the tech industry.

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Army Veteran, Steve Blake, shares insights on transitioning to Civvy Street with Parallel Consulting's Oliver Davies.
oliver davies military veteran

Meet the founder, Oliver Davies

“I joined the army at 16, and since leaving I have chosen to become a reservist meaning I am happy to be still serve in my free time. Parallel have offered fantastic support when I am required to train and I am proud to be involved in our ‘Vets in Tech’ campaign as it’s a cause close to my heart. I am passionate about what organizations can do more of to support ex-serviceman going into work, specifically within the IT industry, as there are so many transferable skills. Not only do they have the skills to be a successful Recruitment Consultant, but they also have skills in the type of cybersecurity that is required to support government organizations.”

Have questions and would like to talk?

Sending your resume is one thing, but getting to know us is a great way for us to build a connection that means we can really help you achieve your goal